[Discussion: Selection and analysis for mid-z Quasars]  chair: Akiyama *Analysis (science issues) - QSO/AGN luminosity function - QSO-QSO clustering - small scale QSO pairs (lensed QSOs) - QSO-galaxy clustering - galaxy distribution vs. QSOs [Questions] What these observable, regarding SMBH properties,  What can be directly/indirectly derived ? What can be directly/indirectly constrained  [What we want to derive from HSC data] Accretion rate, duty-cycle, Halo occupation distribution,  Trigger mechanism, bias, galaxy ancestor/descendant analysis [Comments] 1.galaxy-AGN connection Important to examine host properties (mass, color, metallicity, etc)  ->should discuss with galaxy evolution people  2. Lensed QSOs - AGN variability and micro-lensing are interesting - most lensed QSOs are faint end of AGN LF: Why ? - binary QSOs : BH merging events ? - the fraction of small separation pairs is very small => we need more information of close binary QSOs 3. QSO/AGN luminosity function On this issue, it is important to compare with theoretical model. (More discussion, tomorrow morning session) *Selection method (Technical issues) [Completeness of the stellarity selection for QSOs]  We may miss "extended sources at high-z" due to the measurement errors. We may consider the contamination of "low-z compact galaxy" We need some calculations whether we can distinguish between point sources  and extended sources (Matsuoka-san, Nagoya Univ.). [Accuracy of photometric redshift] Improvements are necessary for z < 3 AGNs: very hard! Probably, the following two items are useful.  (i) Multi-wavelength selection is important (next section in details) (ii) SDSS sample with HSC faint galaxies at z=0.5-1 (Hashimoto-san) #On this issue, we need short exposure avoiding the saturation. #It is helpful to add the color of host galaxies (Tanaka-san). [Technical issues]  Feedback to Furusawa-san  -Since AGNs are rare targets compared with galaxies and stars,  only to write wonderful papers but also to understand the date quality  and to improve software are also important.  - How to detect QSO pairs  --development algorithm   --Important to construct the catalog of HSC data: JVO-team can help this issue -Exposure map, mask  (exptime, vignetting, survey-are) Shirasaki-san, Komiya-san; Clustering analysis from JVO They didn't consider mask pattern and exposure map  because they use good data. [1st science paper] - Important to examine individual targets in detail - collaboration with galaxy team: COSMOS, Spitzer, etc